While you’ve probably taken the first step towards getting your staff involved with sustainable practices in the workplace (if you haven’t, check out our “How to get your staff on board with sustainable policies in the workplace“), monitoring how each team member contributes to supporting corporate policies designed to cut energy costs can seem like a full-time job. Now, there’s a new gadget on the market designed to do the monitoring for you; take a look.

About Greengage Mobile

According to the website’s homepage, Greengage Mobile is a web-based management platform that allows managers to set, manage and track sustainability goals. Essentially, it is a mobile app that allows staff to engage with goals set in real-time and rewards them for participation in supporting the policies.

How does Greengage Mobile work?

In order to better track and monitor staff performance in helping your company reach energy-saving goals, Greengage allows administrators (managers or business operators) to set sustainability targets from any browser. The administer starts by creating a new campaign (or using pre-existing content) that includes initiatives that demand employee engagement and participation (water and energy conservation, turning lights off throughout the building etc.).

After an administrator has created a campaign, initiatives are divided into messages that can be sent directly to the mobile devices of every employee. The administrator can then choose the dates and times during which they are most likely to receive feedback from different teams, departments or members of staff.

What does this gadget demand from my employees?

On the employee side, team members must download the app in order to receive messages sent by the administrator. These messages can also include challenges in which staff members are encouraged to partake. Staff members collect points for interacting with the system and compete with other members of the team in order to encourage active participation in the program. Greengage then shares results with the administer including who has checked their messages and how they responded.

Still not sure how Greengage works? Watch this brief introductory video and learn more about Greengage Mobile here!

Questions or comments about Greengage Mobile? Know of a new technology that could help further energy-efficient policies in the workplace? Let us know! We’d love to hear from you.

image credit: JonJon2k8