While boycotting the wasteland was once just a nice dream, it’s becoming a serious priority for businesses. The best part about avoiding waste is the inevitable efforts in the ways of energy efficiency and sustainability that comes out of being so environmentally conscious.

The results of becoming a zero-waste business are only positive — saving money in the long term, standing behind a solid environmental initiative and providing products that are product of smart and creative solutions.

With companies like Honda and General Motors standing behind the zero-waste label, we know that this environmental vision can certainly become a reality.

Make it your core value

By making environmental responsibility a core value, you are going beyond branding your business and making a statement. Every decision you make, whether financial or otherwise, will focus on reducing waste and being as energy efficient as you can be. You will be conscious of your environmental footprints and careful about where you leave them.

Commit your management team

A commitment to the environment requires the support from every division of your business. This means you need everyone on board to achieve your environmental mission to become a zero-waste business. This involves the folks on the design team, the selection process when it comes to supply chains, manufacturing, logistics and, of course, waste management.

Focus on reusing

In order to achieve zero-waste goals, a creative perspective is necessary.  What something once was may not necessarily be what it will be used for next — think about taking apart products and using the scraps for new purposes. Reuse a cardboard box to transfer items until it absolutely needs to be recycled.

Always recycle

While recycling paper and cardboard are givens, think about the uncommon waste you generate — a multitude of things can be either recycled or composted.  If a company takes the time to find the root of their waste, an effort made to avoid it is a logical, conscious next step — or find a recyclable alternative. This goes back to making sure the commitment of your management team is there to support your core values.

Be proud, engage and promote

When you making energy efficiency, zero-waste and environmental friendly aims, you have to stand behind them completely. Not only is it crucial to make sure employees support this — if there are stakeholders involved, it’s important to make sure they understand these green initiatives too.  If a more gradual process works for your company, set your targets and acknowledge your achievements before you reach for more. Soon, this will simply become a way of thinking and the commitment to reducing waste will just be a part of your business practice.
Image credit: -liyen-